11 Benefits of Standing Desks and Why You Need One Today

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There are some things that probably didn’t change when you made the move to remote work in your backyard office. One of them is the need for a desk.

If you’re going to get any work done it’s kind of a must. The problem is we’ve all heard that sitting for long periods isn’t good for our physical or mental health. So what can we do about it?

A few years back, before I made the transition to a work from home setup, my employer at the time made the switch to standing desks. It was one of the best things they ever did for me or anyone else in that office.

This desk allowed me to adjust from a standing set up to a sitting setup in just a couple of seconds. It was the best of both worlds. I could sit when my feet started to ache and stand when I felt the need to.

If you’re not convinced yet, we’re going to jump into 11 benefits of standing desks that might change your mind. It can improve your posture, reduce back pain, improve your focus and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Here’s why we think switching to a desk that allows you to stand while you work is a great idea.

1| Burning More Calories is One of the Major Benefits of Standing Desks

Standing up will burn more calories than sitting. Period. That’s a good thing when it comes to living a healthier lifestyle. It’s not a lot more, but it can add up to more than 375 extra calories burned each work week.

You don’t have to stand for every working hour either. According to recent studies, alternating between sitting and standing every half hour to 45 minutes is the best approach.

Standing for too long can cause the blood in your legs to pool and can cause conditions such as varicose veins. My wife’s a nurse and she’s seen first hand how common a problem this is in professions where you’re on your feet most of the day.

When you can split your time between sitting and standing you’ll be able to improve your overall health, without the risk of causing other issues along the way.


Splitting your time between sitting and standing will improve your overall health


2| Maintaining a Healthy Weight is One of The Key Benefits of Standing Desks

Those extra few calories burned can help you to maintain a healthy weight as well. When I stand at my desk I find I tend to move a little more and the more you move the more calories you’ll burn.

If you combine your standing with healthier eating habits you’ll find just these basic lifestyle changes can have a big effect on your overall health. You probably won’t lose any weight just by standing up more during your day, but you can stop the scale from climbing.

If you really want to take things to the next level you might want to consider a treadmill desk attachment like the Walk-i-Task for that teadmill that’s gathering dust in the basement.

11 step infographic on the Benefits of Standing Desks
Benefits of a Standing Desk Infographic

3| Another of the Many Benefits of Standing Desks is Better Posture and Reduced Risk of Back Pain

When we sit at a desk for 3 or 4 hours at a time the little aches and pains start to creep in. It doesn’t matter how many times you shift in your seat, it’s almost impossible to find the ideal position.

There are some things that can help such as switching to an ergonomic chair, making sure your computer screen is at eye level and taking frequent breaks to get up and move around. The problem with all of these is that you’re still sitting and most of us have a tendency to slouch as the world day progresses.

When you switch to a standing desk you won’t slouch. You’ll find your posture will improve as well because you’re assuming a more natural position for your body. The end result is a reduction in back and neck pain.

4| Improve Your Mood and Frame of Mind – More Benefits of Standing Desks

You wouldn’t think that something as simple as standing up periodically throughout your work day could boost your mood, but it does. Think about it — when you take a break from sitting at your desk staring at a computer screen, doesn’t it feel good to stand up for a few minutes?

Well when you stand up while you work the effects are even more dramatic. Just by standing you’re improving the oxygen flow in your blood and that leads to feeling more alert and energized. Studies back this up as well. In one study, 71% felt more focused and 62% felt happier overall when they made the switch .


By standing you’re improving the oxygen flow in your blood and that leads to feeling more alert and energized.


5| Other Benefits of Standing Desks Include Better Focus and Greater Productivity

If you have more energy when you stand then you’ll be more alert and find it easier to stay on task. That mid afternoon crash that many of us experience while sitting at our desks makes it hard to concentrate on work. It’s not easy concentrating on a laptop screen when the yawns take over.

When you’re more alert there are all kinds of benefits. You’ll be able to achieve your goals in a shorter period of time and you’ll probably do a better job. What’s not to like about being more productive while working at home and more creative?

6| Standing Desks Can Help to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

There isn’t a ton of research on what standing at a desk can do for your blood sugar levels, but in smaller tests the results have been positive.

You’ve probably heard that it’s a good idea to go for a walk after dinner instead of relaxing in a recliner.

When you sit down or nap after a meal it plays havoc with your metabolism. Simply standing up while you work can have the same sort of effects on your blood sugar levels during your work day and that makes it one of the key benefits of standing desks.

There’s a strong link between living a more sedentary lifestyle and an increased risk of developing diabetes. If the simple act of switching to an adjustable height desk in your backyard office can help to prevent this disease, it’s worth the investment.

7| Switching Between Sitting and Standing Depending on the Task Are Also Benefits of Standing Desks

Having a height adjustable desk in your work from home space makes it more versatile. You can quickly switch your setup for different tasks. That kind of flexibility can be a game changer.

Depending on the nature of your work it can really improve your ability to complete some common tasks.

Architects and engineers are a great example. There are times when they need to stand up and look at plans from different angles. At other times they may need to sit down and crunch some numbers.

Having a standing desk makes it easier to switch between tasks and maintain the highest level of productivity. This applies no matter what type of backyard business you decide to start with.

8| Combine Standing With an Under the Desk Treadmill and 10X Your Calorie Burn

A treadmill behind glass in an upscale gym

If you’re willing to add an under the desk treadmill to your standing office set up, you can really kick that calorie burn into overdrive. These are widely available on Amazon and other retailers. You’ll burn a lot more calories on a treadmill than you will by simply standing at your desk.

One of the biggest arguments against using a treadmill at a desk is that it’s hard to type on a keyboard and move at the same time.

Our reply to that is that it depends on your pace. Sure, you’ll find it hard if you’re trying to run while you type, but not if you walk at a controlled pace. Even walking at a pace less than 2 mph will help you burn more than 100 extra calories each hour than you would while sitting. One of the main benefits of standing desks is that you get to decide how much time you spend sitting and how much time you spend standing.

9| Standing Desks Can help with organization and reduction of clutter

Some things are hard to measure, but that doesn’t mean they’re not worth considering. Based on my own experience I’ve found that working at a standing desk allowed me to be more organized with less clutter.

When you’re switching back and forth between sitting and standing positions you tend to pay closer attention to what’s on your desk. If something’s in the forefront of your mind you’re more likely to deal with it.

Plus, there’s a good chance when you adjust your desk’s height things can fall off if there’s too much clutter. So it might not be something you consciously think about, but there’s a strong case to be made that a standing desk will make you more organized as well.

10| One of the Important Benefits of Standing Desks is That You Can Boost Creativity by Changing Things Up

We all go through peaks and valleys of productivity throughout the day. That has a lot to do with our energy levels. With an adjustable standing desk you can change things up during the work day and get yourself back on track.

Standing up and moving about a bit will get those creative juices flowing again. It’s a great trick for powering through common problems such as writer’s block. Sometimes a change in your position or perspective is all you need to get through your day.

Having greater control of your office setup and work schedule are some of the many benefits of working from home. Adding a height adjustable standing desk is just another great piece of the puzzle.


Sometimes a change in your position or perspective is all you need to get through your day.


11| Height Adjustable Desks Can Help with Team Work and Video Conferencing

There’s one more benefit of using a standing desk that may not be obvious that can have a major positive effect on your business.

If your backyard business involves a lot of collaboration with others you’ll probably be using video conferencing software just about every day. The last thing you need is to be falling asleep at your desk in the middle of an important video call.

With a standing desk you can get up and move around while you’re on that important call. That will boost your energy levels and keep you focused. This will lead to better outcomes for your team overall.

Stand Up and Enjoy the Benefits

After a closer look at the benefits of standing desks it’s clear that making the switch can improve both your mental and physical health. You’ll burn more calories, move more and stay more alert throughout your work day.

If you’ve been on the fence about making the change there’s no better day than today to get started. It’s one easy lifestyle choice that can make a big difference.

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